Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wednesday... Notes before Thanksgiving

Great Outdoors Team- Shoot your photos over the holiday. Bring them in on Monday.

ALL ORDERS AND MONEY ARE DUE ON MONDAY. I cannot make ANY ANY ANY exceptions or we won't get them back before Christmas break.

Sue: You need to log into the Elementary Yearbook Avenue and choose backgrounds for the class photo pages. Any questions? Talk to me. Deadline: Dec. 1st.

Jordan, Mallory, Kenzie: Look at basketball games in Dec. Divide up who will shoot which and let me know. If Jordan uses her own camera so you can double up on big games.

Tierney- Take to me about... Video? Is it finished? And are you interested in having a Hoe Down in Dec or Jan as another fundraiser?
And your thoughts about getting a karaoke machine for the Feb Jr High dance??

Aaron- Indexing Photos

Jesse and Steven- Questionnaire about the Christmas. Write up a question to ask jr high kids about Christmas break. What will you do to celebrate? Ask eight jr high kids apiece.

Kody and Alex- Its your time to shine. You'll be doing the December pages about Sports.

Abby- Halloween Spread Deadline- Dec 4th.

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