Thursday, November 5, 2009

Friday's Mission

Come in, sit down, and log into Yearbook Avenue.

Today we will learn about two of the most important jobs that we have as yearbooks staff members.

We will discuss SPELL CHECKING names and INDEXING PHOTOS.

Once the CD has arrived from the photographer, a master list of names will be entered into the system by the good folks at Jostens. Until then, we have to spell check the old fashioned way.

In the closet there are five copies of a list of all students 7-12. This list is generated from POWER SCHOOL. We will use this list to verify the correct spelling of names and when indexing photos.

STEP 1: Go through the page assigned to you. Check to make sure that each students name is spell correctly and the proper grade number is in parenthesis to the right of it. If not, type in the correct information.

Step 2: hit save.


Indexing is next. This process creates a list of every time a student appears in the book at the back of the yearbook.

Step 1: Start at the top left of the page assigned to you. Right click on a photo and select View In IMAGE LIBRARY.

Step 2: Using the master list in the closet, enter the CORRECT SPELLING of all the students (ONLY STUDENTS! NOT TEACHERS OR GRADUATES FROM LAST YEAR) in the space provide.

Step 3: Save the image.

Step 4: Continue until all images are done on the spread.


Tierney: You have an alternative project. Can you please work up a list of our sponsors divided by the size of package? We will clear out the left side of the case and hang that list up in a nice, professional looking way. Thanks!

1 comment:

Bollman said...

Abby- Halloween spread

Mallory- Cut outs

Kenzie- Cut outs

Tierney- Sponsors printed off and in case, new sales recorded on poster

Sue, Kody, Alex, Steven, Jordan, Jesse
INDEX assignment.