Monday, November 30, 2009


Tierney- Make Posters for Dance

Sue- Good job on the backgrounds for the elementary book- Now go tell Cindy the following information:

Seniors- We need a senior portrait for Yearbook and Graduation ASAP. Give it to Mr. Bollman or the office. We need a nice vertical portrait, no full body photos or extreme close-ups, no props or pets. See Mr. Bollman if you have questions.

Great Outdoors- Meet today and come up with a game plan

Steven- interview jr high about Holiday plans. Try to get new people than we already have.

Jesse- I have a cut-0ut for you

Aaron- Index and hunt down your payments.

Abby-Finish your Halloween spread.

Kody and Alex- sports specials stories in progress. Have ideas for photos.

If you are finished early with your task, work on your academic page or get a camera and visit the elementary to shoot for elementary yearbook.

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