Friday, November 20, 2009


What a productive week Warhawk staff! I am very blessed to have you as a staff. It makes my job easier to have a group that takes yearbook SERIOUSLY.

TODAY... many people are gone to state foozball. So those of us who are left can do the following things...

1. check our Yearbook Sales Totals. The GOAL line can be moved up if we have made any progress.

2. Double check your Academic write-ups. Make sure they are finished, spell checked, and then have a neighbor read it over and give suggestions.

3. Go check on sweatpant orders. We need a completed form and the money to place the order. ALL ORDERS MUST BE COMPLETED BY NOV. 30th. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!

4. We may pass out candy bags to those who have purchased a yearbook.

5. GREAT OUTDOORS team... how's it going? November is rolling along. You got photo times worked out? You interviewed kids yet? You could work on that today too.

Next Month: We will focus on WINTER SPORTS traditions... Our sports rivals and superstitions and big stories of the year.

Happy Yearbooking.

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