Monday, November 30, 2009


Tierney- Make Posters for Dance

Sue- Good job on the backgrounds for the elementary book- Now go tell Cindy the following information:

Seniors- We need a senior portrait for Yearbook and Graduation ASAP. Give it to Mr. Bollman or the office. We need a nice vertical portrait, no full body photos or extreme close-ups, no props or pets. See Mr. Bollman if you have questions.

Great Outdoors- Meet today and come up with a game plan

Steven- interview jr high about Holiday plans. Try to get new people than we already have.

Jesse- I have a cut-0ut for you

Aaron- Index and hunt down your payments.

Abby-Finish your Halloween spread.

Kody and Alex- sports specials stories in progress. Have ideas for photos.

If you are finished early with your task, work on your academic page or get a camera and visit the elementary to shoot for elementary yearbook.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wednesday... Notes before Thanksgiving

Great Outdoors Team- Shoot your photos over the holiday. Bring them in on Monday.

ALL ORDERS AND MONEY ARE DUE ON MONDAY. I cannot make ANY ANY ANY exceptions or we won't get them back before Christmas break.

Sue: You need to log into the Elementary Yearbook Avenue and choose backgrounds for the class photo pages. Any questions? Talk to me. Deadline: Dec. 1st.

Jordan, Mallory, Kenzie: Look at basketball games in Dec. Divide up who will shoot which and let me know. If Jordan uses her own camera so you can double up on big games.

Tierney- Take to me about... Video? Is it finished? And are you interested in having a Hoe Down in Dec or Jan as another fundraiser?
And your thoughts about getting a karaoke machine for the Feb Jr High dance??

Aaron- Indexing Photos

Jesse and Steven- Questionnaire about the Christmas. Write up a question to ask jr high kids about Christmas break. What will you do to celebrate? Ask eight jr high kids apiece.

Kody and Alex- Its your time to shine. You'll be doing the December pages about Sports.

Abby- Halloween Spread Deadline- Dec 4th.

How to shoot a video

Step one: Make an outline of what you need to say. Its good to ad lib but you need to know the major points you are going to say.

Step two: Take a moment and erase the board. Write who you are and what the video is about on the whiteboard.

Step three: Have Mr. Bollman log in. Open Photo Booth and change the mode to video.

Step four: Make sure the screen is tilted at an angle the captures you and the whiteboard behind you.

Step five: Shoot your video. Sometimes it takes a few takes to get it right.

Step six: View in Find. Rename the file to something descriptive. Drag it to the desktop.

Step seven: Watch the video checking for errors.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday: Video Quiz

Following the video, log into your Gmail account. And wait for instructions.

Please turn in any sweat/shorts orders as soon as you have the money. If you need more forms then let me know. We can also hand out orders to people after school. We should be sure to mention the following:
1- This is a yearbook fundraiser for an action sports lens
2- orders and MONEY are due MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30th
3- orders will arrive before Christmas break

Friday, November 20, 2009


What a productive week Warhawk staff! I am very blessed to have you as a staff. It makes my job easier to have a group that takes yearbook SERIOUSLY.

TODAY... many people are gone to state foozball. So those of us who are left can do the following things...

1. check our Yearbook Sales Totals. The GOAL line can be moved up if we have made any progress.

2. Double check your Academic write-ups. Make sure they are finished, spell checked, and then have a neighbor read it over and give suggestions.

3. Go check on sweatpant orders. We need a completed form and the money to place the order. ALL ORDERS MUST BE COMPLETED BY NOV. 30th. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!

4. We may pass out candy bags to those who have purchased a yearbook.

5. GREAT OUTDOORS team... how's it going? November is rolling along. You got photo times worked out? You interviewed kids yet? You could work on that today too.

Next Month: We will focus on WINTER SPORTS traditions... Our sports rivals and superstitions and big stories of the year.

Happy Yearbooking.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

For Your Entertainment... Blooper from yesterday

Thursday Assignment

NUMBER ONE JOB- Get your academic write-ups on Google Docs. They are due online by the end of the day tomorrow.

Describe what the classes are like, what you learn, why you take it... that sort of thing.

Aaron- Manage the images from the cameras.

Sue- Speak to me about about 1 million things...

Tierney- Hand out 7th and 8th Grade Sweat forms.

Everyone else... HIT IT HARD!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wednesday- What's Up Yearbook

The Sr. Play Photos are on pages 22 and 23 in the yearbook.

Give each photo a caption on a Google Doc with both your names on it.

Next, make a rough draft of the short write up that goes at the top of your academic spread. Look at last years industrial tech page for a good example.

Aaron- Take photos of the Spanish class today. Upload them before the end of class.

Blood Drive Photos

Blood Drive Photos Mr. Griffin. Please let these kids go shoot photos at the blood drive.

7th Photos
Sue and Kody Shoot photos

8th Photos
Mallory DeJong

Tuesday- Yearbook Stuff

Hey Team-

We are Yearbook! We Are MIGHTY!

Today we will continue our Academic layouts. I am going to put those on your 2nd Quarter Midterm grade so get them complete so I can check them off.

Also- I will meet with Great Outdoors Group
This is the Nov Page so we need to be shooting kids outside riding their four-wheelers, trapping, hunting, etc.

I also have the following ASN for individuals:
Play Write-Up- Kody and Alex.... MAKE IT HAPPEN! Its only a paragraph.

Sue and Jesse: Meet at my computer so we can do some final Headline/Sub-Headline writing. We just have a few holes in the book we need to fill.

Aaron: Go through and write down all the mugs we are missing. I think their are a total of six. We need those ASAP.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


After the Lesson
Aaron and Jordan- Are the Sr. Class Play photos uploaded into the Play folder?
After that is done, Jordan, can you email them to Mrs. Hite? I will help if you have questions.

EVERYONE- We need a photo for Morgan's performance at district CC. It could be a shot of her running that day or a mug.

Cut-out people- Take a moment and review the How-To-Cut-Out guide on the right.

Sue and Kody, when the play photos are uploaded we can place them, right captions for them and write a one paragraph description of what the play was about. Look at the past two books for examples.

Abby- I have written down some Halloween question from jr high kids if you wanna stick a content module on that page for them.

Tierney- First open the document with our sponsors. We need to email this to Cindy D. Then come see me at my computer. I have photo booth set up to shoot video.
Look for opportunities to shoot the people you wrote about- full body so we can do good cut-outs.

Trappers Tyler and Blake

Mallory Boyle in her practice clothes holding a basketball

Kody Lake in his basketball uniform


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sell Sell Sell

The samples will be here today or tomorrow. Sell sell sell!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wednesday- What's Up Yearbook

Good job handing out candy yesterday. We have been learning a lot about Design and Layout. Today will be a work day. EVERYONE has things to do. Here are some objectives.

Cut-out people
Anyone wanting to do cut-outs can speak to me to get the file. CHECK OUT THE HOW TO MAKE A CUT-OUT LINK ON THE RIGHT FOR DIRECTIONS.

Aaron and Jordan: Play Photos renamed and uploaded to the play folder.

Sue and Kody: The two of you will take on the November page with the Sr. Play and November student of the month.

Tierney: speak to me about a new project.

Other people can index or cut-out.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday! Monday! Monday!


We will do a group project called LAYOUT AND DESIGN VOCABULARY. This project will be graded.

After it is complete we will have some work time where we will break up and work on our ongoing projects. SPEAK WITH ME if you can't figure out what to work on.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Friday's Mission

Come in, sit down, and log into Yearbook Avenue.

Today we will learn about two of the most important jobs that we have as yearbooks staff members.

We will discuss SPELL CHECKING names and INDEXING PHOTOS.

Once the CD has arrived from the photographer, a master list of names will be entered into the system by the good folks at Jostens. Until then, we have to spell check the old fashioned way.

In the closet there are five copies of a list of all students 7-12. This list is generated from POWER SCHOOL. We will use this list to verify the correct spelling of names and when indexing photos.

STEP 1: Go through the page assigned to you. Check to make sure that each students name is spell correctly and the proper grade number is in parenthesis to the right of it. If not, type in the correct information.

Step 2: hit save.


Indexing is next. This process creates a list of every time a student appears in the book at the back of the yearbook.

Step 1: Start at the top left of the page assigned to you. Right click on a photo and select View In IMAGE LIBRARY.

Step 2: Using the master list in the closet, enter the CORRECT SPELLING of all the students (ONLY STUDENTS! NOT TEACHERS OR GRADUATES FROM LAST YEAR) in the space provide.

Step 3: Save the image.

Step 4: Continue until all images are done on the spread.


Tierney: You have an alternative project. Can you please work up a list of our sponsors divided by the size of package? We will clear out the left side of the case and hang that list up in a nice, professional looking way. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday- Yearbook Stuff

Today: Read the entry below about shooting tips inside the gym.

Next- We will be break into groups and do some yearbook work.

Tomorrow: We will meet in the art room for our pizza party.




Tips for shooting in the gym

Shooting in high school gymnasiums are always tricky. But if you use a few steady rules, you can capture action and adjust the colors later.

Tip One: Change the ISO setting. The higher the ISO, the better your photo will be in a dark environment.

Tip Two: Use the Sport Setting. This will give you a faster shutter.

Tip Three: Turn the flash off. The standard flash only works up to 25 feet anyway. Using the flash is actually making your photos darker.

Tip Four: Brace yourself or use a monopod. Shaky hands make blurry photos.

Tip Five: Try using MANUAL FOCUS. Sometimes this is the best way to capture fast motion. You can focus on the lane and then capture a lay-up next time they are down that direction.

Tip Six: Shoot reactions after shots. Shoot the bench. Shoot the coaches. Shoot the cheer leaders. Shoot the time outs. Shoot before and after a big shot. These shots capture emotion. Action shots are great... but when paired with an emotional shot, stories can be told.

Tip Seven: The platform that the pep band trap set is on can be used in the second half of home ballgames. Its a great way to get a new angle.

Tip Eight: Upload shots EVERY DAY after the game and lable the folder when the game and date. This makes life way easier.

Tip Nine: Take a program from the game and keep it so we can write captions later.

Tip Ten: Write on the program what the final score is and any important details like winning shot and exciting moments.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday's Agenda

Project 1: You will get a homework worksheet entitled Haunted Hallway Poll. I will explain this project and answer any questions you may have.

Project 2:
Design Slide Show

Project 3: Block-out the layouts you clipped out last Thursday.

Tuesday we will work on the Halloween Page