Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday's Yearbook Info

Good job yesterday in class. We got a lot accomplished.

Dance: Tiffany P, a friend of Jesse's that helped with our dances last year, has agreed to come dj with us as long as we provide some hip hop and dance songs. She has all the fun stuff (like the chicken dance, barbie girl and such) and the slow songs but she doesn't listen to hip hop.

A reminder that all dance music has to be radio versions.

ASN: Log in and add a comment to this blog post stating if you will be here for the dance and if you have hip hop music that we can use. It can be on an Ipod/mp3 player or on a lap top.

Due by the end of class today.


KodzanderL said...

I wont be able to attend the Night under the stars because I'm going to Jordan Baker's house

AlexanderM said...

I will not be there on Saturday because I am going to Des Moines. I do not have any music for the dance.

AaronL said...

I will not be able to make it on saturday because I will be in Cedar Falls. I will try to contribute in some way.

k-lenz11 said...

I'll be there. I can also help decorate after school friday.

mallory said...

I have to work on saturday night but ill try and come after. I would like to come help and would also help clean up.

Unknown said...

I will not be there because I will be at work. I will try to make some bars and bring them to school Friday.

Jesse P said...

I can't make it because I'm going to Iowa city to be a backstage video crew at a concert. I don't have any music you could use because i listen to all christian music

Unknown said...

I cant Ill be in Large wood for my Rodeo

Tier said...

I will be there. I can decorate or whatever else needs to be done. I have awesome music, but unfortunately my ipod is broken.

Anonymous said...

I will be there on Saturday(7-10) to help with the dance. I have already given Sue some music ideas for it.