Monday, September 28, 2009

Assignments Tuesday

Sue- The photos of the Board Members? PALLLEEEESE???? Also, secure the list of all students 7-12 and make six copies. Also, come up with what info you want from the Student of the Month: a quote? Advice for other students? Hero? What they want to be when they grow up? Study tip? Pick one or two fun things they can offer us.... Make you tell me what you decide.

Photographers- After one of you logs into Yearbook Avenue, go to page 12 and 13. Work together on the captions for the photos on that page.
We also need to secure a few more photos for the other homecoming court couples. Check it out and check in if you have questions.

Writers- Work with Abby's quotes. Finish up the Jr High Dance Status Update content module on page 9.

Tierney- Continue working entering the data into the yearbook avenue SELL IT section. I have some new checks in that we can photocopy and add to the folder.

Sports Reporters- Home Coming Game write up and about a thousand other things we need to put a bow on and get finished up.

Aaron.... DON'T PLAY WEIRD GAME. :-p Select some photos from Mallory's Volleyball game at Sully. Rename and Upload. Make sure they have names that we can keep straight.

Mr. Bollman- crack the whip

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