Friday, September 25, 2009

Things to Do

Reporters- Please turn in your quotes from senior football players

Photographer- Please select your best photos and upload them to the website in the appropriate folder

Sue- Log into Yearbook Avenue and I will show you how to set our Font Selections and get me the School Board Members photos ASAP

Tierney- Log into Yearbook Avenue and get out the folder with the photocopies of ad sale payments and then speak to me

Alex- Log into yearbook avenue and I will walk you through adding that Charticle you made about the Monte volleyball game

Kody- I have some notes about the Homecoming game. get them and the photographs and whip it up into an awesome short article

Aaron- Look through the volleyball photos that Sue and Kody took of the Monte game. Select the best four to six. Rename them vballmonte001 etc and upload them to the Yearbook Avenue>sports>volleyball folder

Mr Bollman- be awesome

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