Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Autobiography- Mr. Bollman

To most the hayfields and silos of southeastern Iowa looked quite mundane but to Brant Bollman it was a land of imagination- where a young boy could dream of dragons and adventure- when anything was possible and dreams were as big as drive-in movie screens.

Bollman grew up on a 200-acre farm of rolling hills and alfalfa fields where his father raised pure-bred Angus cattle. But to Brant, the farm was a starting place for many adventures.

Human Context:
“I read a lot of fantasy books back in those days- Tolkien and Piers Anthony mainly, but my biggest fantasy came after the story was finished. I used to go out into the hayfields, climb atop a big round bale of hay and daydream my own tales in the orange glow of the Iowa sun.”

Bollman attended the University of Iowa and received a BFA in Fine Arts. He studied abstract painting, sculpture and worked on some pioneering digital imaging projects using the new media of the 1990’s.

“I created my imaginary world, not in a hayfield but in my studio. My dreams took shape with bright liquid colors, cartoon creatures and never ending stories.”
Today Bollman teaches students at a school not far from the hayfields where he once daydreamed. At North Mahasha Community Schools he teaches K-12, painting, drawing and graphic design.

“My hope is to keep these kids dreaming, to expand their minds and teach them that imagination is the greatest adventure of all.”

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