Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday: Workday

Jr High Dance Project:
Finish flyers. Post them around school.
Make a list of possible parents to chaperon and make contact with them.
Make a list of songs that will be played.
Decide who will get radio versions (no swearing) onto an MP3 player or laptop computer.

Decide on any fun games that will be played at the event (chicken dance? Something else)

Sport Reporters:
First Home Football Game
Describe the first home football game as a sport journalist would.
Secure the score and stats.

Individual Projects:
If you have your own project you need to be creating questions to ask people and starting your interviewing. Most early interviews should be simple question and answer projects.
Example: "What exiting thing did you do over the summer?" and collect 10-12 answers.

If you do not have a project assigned to you yet, see Mr. Bollman. There are plenty of things going on that need to be covered for the book.

We also have a ton of photos to sort through and good ones named, sorted and upload. (I will be teaching that process soon).

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