Monday, September 14, 2009


Jesse P said...

"I love the Idea of bringing the students up to the front of the class on their birthday. I was the one who came up with it."

--Spanish teacher Ms. Miller

Jesse and Steven

AlexanderM said...

Birthdays in the Spanish room are celebrated with the singing of Happy Birthday in Spanish and wearing of the traditional sombrero.
"Hoy es mi cumpleanos. Me llero el sombrero. (It is my birthday. I am wearing a sombrero.)"
-Alyssa Comstock

Unknown said...

Summary Caption: Freshman Alyssa Comstock enjoys her Spanish I class by showing off to her class in her sassy pink sombrero.

Quote Caption: Alyssa Comstock stated, "I was embarassed knowing that my whole class was watching me."

Expanded Caption: Freshman Alyssa Comstock enjoys her Spanish I class by showing off to her class in her sassy pink sombrero. "I was embarassed knowing that my whole class was watching me," stated Alyssa.

k-lenz11 said...

Embarrassed, as Alyssa Comstock sits in front of the class with a sombrero on her head as the class sings Happy Birthday to her.

Mallory and McKenzie