Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Super Tuesday

Yearbook class... for the first time this year, I feel think we a bit behind. There are some finishing touches to place on the Halloween spread and November to finish. December is a short month so we need to all chip in and work hard to get done before Christmas break.

Sue- Cover!!!

Sports Guys- Writing

Abby- Halloween D-O-N-E!!!

Aaron- today I'd like you to take a camera and look for some things to shoot around the school.

Kenzie- Today I would like to you sit down with Jesse and start writing a story about the Paintballers in the school. Let's focus on Zach Howard and Kyle Almond. We will write interview questions for those two. Jesse can provide some background information about the sport.

Tierney and Mallory- Promotions for the school dance up. Also- write a commercial for the dance. Props? We can shoot it on Friday.

Jordan- I would like you to sit down with Steven Crosby and a copy of last year's yearbook and flip through the classes identifying kids that like to hunt. Make a list of these kids so we can approach them and ask them if they would like their photograph taken.

Steven- Besides helping Jordan I want to see the progress you've made on holiday plans. Find people that are doing unusual things. Ask some freshman too if you need to. Try to find people we haven't had in the book yet.

Jesse- Nov. student of the month is Callie VG. Your assignment is to interview her. We'll get you the questions today. You may also help Kenzie write about the lour of paintballing.

1 comment:

KodzanderL said...

So were just known as the sports guys now i see how it is