Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monday Monday Monday

Sue- Cut-outs for cover. Bob is coming on Wednesday to look at your progress on the cover.

Tierney- Contact Stacia. Ask for photos of State Dance. Then start a write up about the experience. We will incorporate the stuff about Chelsey Livezy. Make signs for the dance.
  1. 3.00/person
  2. Pop 1.oo Hats 2.00 Bandannas 2.00 Glow Stix 1.oo

Kody- Story of Rivals done by the end of Tuesday. Quote Mr. Ehret or Mr. Fread about some history between the schools.

Alex- Superstitions: Why don't we make this story a little content module with a short intro paragraph and then photos with quotes. Ex:
Kids all have weird rituals before games. Here are a few ones from the oddballs at NM.

  1. Aaron Linderman (12) cries like a baby before each game
  2. Kody Lake (12) sprays his feet with yellow spray paint at halftime

Aaron- Upload and sort photos. Send the best one of the Kody pointguard photos to Mallory to Cut-out. The Sponge Bob pennybank needs cut-out too.

Jesse- Get the trappers photo from Jordan and cut it out

Steven- Enter the information on Christmas Plans, if extra time get a photo to cut-out from

Abby- Social Studies Page write up... get ideas. Start writing.

Mallory- Cut out Kody photo from Aaron.

Kenzie- Paintball story done by end of Tuesday. Also, Kyle Almond is working on a NOTE about this favorite paintball memory. Try to get that from him today and type it up TOMORROW if you can.

Jordan- Write up questions for Tanner Stek. Interview him ASAP (before class tomorrow). Also arrange to get photos with him with his dog in some hunting gear. If you don't get him interviewed by the start of class them bring your CAMERA to class.

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