Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Sue- Cut-outs for cover. Bob is coming on Wednesday to look at your progress on the cover.

Tierney- State dance story and Band-Vocal spread

Kody- Story of Rivals Done

Alex- Superstitions Done

Aaron- Get people cut-outs and help them upload them. Create a folder on Yearbook Avenue for each academic page (see below). If extra time, work on Business Ed layout.

Jesse- Cut-outs and Callie V.G. Student of the Month

Steven- Cut-outs

Abby- FINISH social studies write up and page layout

Mallory- Cut-outs

Kenzie- Cut-outs

Jordan- Write about coon hunting. OR take your camera down to P. E. and take photos of class.

Academic Pages

p58 P.E.- Jordan
p60 English- Jesse
p62 Bus Ed- Aaron
p64 Soc Studies- Abby
p66 Math- Kenz
p68 FCS- Mallory
p70 Ag/Shop- Sue
p72 Science- Alex
p74 Band/Vocal- Tierney
p76 Fine Arts- Kody
p78 Spanish/Hizer- Steven

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