Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thursday Assignment

Dear Yearbook Class,

I appreciate all the hard work I have seen people doing the past two weeks with ad sales, managing images, writing quick reads and stories and working in teams. This sort of eager staff makes my job easier. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Ad sales- Please give me your sheets that say who you visited and who sold. We need to total up how much we have made so far so we can send out bills and plan how much more effort we need to send towards selling ads.

Photos- We need some shots from past events. Some times this is really hard to find so I HOPE-HOPE-HOPE we can work together and secure a few photos to fill in some gaps. Facebook is a easy way to find these though we DO need to get permission from the original owner to use them in our publication.

Mugs- We need to start shooting mug shots of kids who have quotes and such going into the yearbook. I will compile a list and give it out tomorrow.

Headline Writing- I will show a brief slideshow on how to brainstorm headline ideas.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Import a Contact List MUST DO WEDNESDAY

Step 1- save the file google.csv file to your desktop. (You can find this file in the email that listed as your main email on the Yearbook Avenue website)

Step 2- Open your Gmail account (IT MUST BE YOUR Gmail ACCOUNT!!!!!)

Step 3- Click on CONTACTS on the left options menu

Step 4- Click on IMPORT on the top right

Step 5- browse until you find google.csv and import it as a contact list.

Step 6- Manually add Mallory's email to this group because she was not included in the packaged list


Monday, September 28, 2009

Assignments Tuesday

Sue- The photos of the Board Members? PALLLEEEESE???? Also, secure the list of all students 7-12 and make six copies. Also, come up with what info you want from the Student of the Month: a quote? Advice for other students? Hero? What they want to be when they grow up? Study tip? Pick one or two fun things they can offer us.... Make you tell me what you decide.

Photographers- After one of you logs into Yearbook Avenue, go to page 12 and 13. Work together on the captions for the photos on that page.
We also need to secure a few more photos for the other homecoming court couples. Check it out and check in if you have questions.

Writers- Work with Abby's quotes. Finish up the Jr High Dance Status Update content module on page 9.

Tierney- Continue working entering the data into the yearbook avenue SELL IT section. I have some new checks in that we can photocopy and add to the folder.

Sports Reporters- Home Coming Game write up and about a thousand other things we need to put a bow on and get finished up.

Aaron.... DON'T PLAY WEIRD GAME. :-p Select some photos from Mallory's Volleyball game at Sully. Rename and Upload. Make sure they have names that we can keep straight.

Mr. Bollman- crack the whip

Friday, September 25, 2009

Things to Do

Reporters- Please turn in your quotes from senior football players

Photographer- Please select your best photos and upload them to the website in the appropriate folder

Sue- Log into Yearbook Avenue and I will show you how to set our Font Selections and get me the School Board Members photos ASAP

Tierney- Log into Yearbook Avenue and get out the folder with the photocopies of ad sale payments and then speak to me

Alex- Log into yearbook avenue and I will walk you through adding that Charticle you made about the Monte volleyball game

Kody- I have some notes about the Homecoming game. get them and the photographs and whip it up into an awesome short article

Aaron- Look through the volleyball photos that Sue and Kody took of the Monte game. Select the best four to six. Rename them vballmonte001 etc and upload them to the Yearbook Avenue>sports>volleyball folder

Mr Bollman- be awesome

Next Week- Headlines and Photos

Yearbook Staff,

Thank you for your hard work during Ad Sales week. It was great to see you embrace the job of representing the school and the staff. And... EVERYONE that I saw this morning looked professional and ready to go. (I trust Steven did change his shirt).

Next week we will work on how to write HEADLINES. This is just as much about BRAINSTORMING as it is about writing.

We will also take a look at good photography vs. bad snap shots. We will learn how to set the camera for action shots, class room photos, and mug-shots. It should be a fun week.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ad Sales Date

Friday 25th- 1st through 5th periods

Tuesday 29th- 5th through 8th periods

Fill forms out. Turn them in before you leave.

Dress nice, like you would to a job interview or game day for basketball.


Monday, September 21, 2009


I like the look of this Photo-In-Sillouette. I have also seen Aaron do some really neat Photo-In-Text tricks. This is a real option for something to add to our theme.

Tuesday Assignment

Come in and sit in your ad team groups.

Pull up your google docs and prepare to work with your list. We will be addressing and stuffing envelops for our businesses.

Mr. Bollman

2010 Yearbook Staff

Editor and Chief- Sue Kubli
Business Manager- Tierney DeWitt
Photo Editor- Aaron Lindeman

Sport Journalists- Alex Malone, Kody Lake

Staff Reporters- Steven Crosby, Jesse Phillips, Abby Owens

Staff Photographers- Kenzi Lens, Jordan Drost, Mallory DeJong

Fundraising Week

Hello Yearbookers!

This is the start of our Ad Sales drive. We will discuss how to sell ads, form teams, build lists of clients and work on the ad prices.

I will be finding a time for us to leave school and go sell ads. It may be Friday or early next week. If you have any preferences, please let me know.

Mr. Bollman

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Caption Tips

Write Captions in active voice. Tim runs... John scores the winning shot... Tina cries... Seniors dance the night away...

Avoid 'ing' and never let it dangle!

Use complete sentences

Tell us more than what's simply in the photo

Quotes add human context

Look for interesting points of view
Interview a coach, a parent, a fan, a kid on the bench, a freshman... their PoV is often fresher than the star's.

Monday, September 14, 2009


There are three types of captions that tell a story about a photo. Review them and look at Mr Bollman's examples.

The Summary Caption: Tells the story of the photo (5W's and H) in a short sentence or two.
Senior Cheerleader Sue Kubli makes it to the top of the pyramid at the homecoming pep rally.

The Quote Caption: Has a quote from a participate that tells what's going on. Often captures emotion.
Ex: "This stunt was so hard. We worked on it for hours and we nailed it at the pep rally." -Sue Kubli, Senior Cheerleader

Expanded Caption: Combines both types. Tells the story and uses a direct quote.
Ex: The cheerleaders had worked for hours mastering the pyramid stunt, yet still they were nervous come time for the Homecoming Pep Rally. "This stunt was so hard. We worked on it for hours and we nailed it, " exclaimed an excited Sue Kubli (12th).

Write a caption for each of the following photographs. Use one of each of the three types of captions. Look back at your handout from last week if you need help.

Due: Tuesday at the start of Yearbook. We will read them in class.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Yearbook Tech Online at Yearbook avenue

1- Log onto YTO at Yearbook Avenue.

Job number 45269

2- click on the TRAINING BUTTON on the bottom of the big video window.

3- Watch the tutorial on YTO at Yearbook Avenue.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Writing Good Lead Lines

A Lead line starts off the story.

Quickly tells what the story is about.

It grabs attention and makes the reader want to read on.

It should never give away the ending.

Use action verbs and colorful adjectives.

You don't have to start at the beginning of the story. Sometimes its best to start at the most exciting moment.

Read your lead out loud and see if it sounds exciting. If not, scrap it and start over again.


ASN: Leading the Way 10 points

Go to the MRC. Select your favorite magazine or newspaper, one that you might read outside of a class assignment.

Read a few stories until you find a good example of a lead that really captures your attention.

Click on 'comment' and type the lead. Credit the Magazine (or newspaper) and author.

Then write a brief sentence or two on why you selected this lead and why it caught your attention.

I will post an example.

Assignment: Write and Wrong

Reminder... There was a 25 point 'old school' worksheet called Write and Wrong that was due last Friday. I got some of them back and checked them. They are now graded and on Power School. If you did not get one because you were gone or if you need help, let me know ASAP. I need them in tomorrow.

Mr. Bollman

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Photographer Needed

From Board Secretary Gloria Bartlett:

Yearbook Staff:
I would like to have someone from yearbook staff take pictures of board members on September 21 at about 6:15 p.m. Thank you. Gloria

Any volunteers?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Autobiography- Mr. Bollman

To most the hayfields and silos of southeastern Iowa looked quite mundane but to Brant Bollman it was a land of imagination- where a young boy could dream of dragons and adventure- when anything was possible and dreams were as big as drive-in movie screens.

Bollman grew up on a 200-acre farm of rolling hills and alfalfa fields where his father raised pure-bred Angus cattle. But to Brant, the farm was a starting place for many adventures.

Human Context:
“I read a lot of fantasy books back in those days- Tolkien and Piers Anthony mainly, but my biggest fantasy came after the story was finished. I used to go out into the hayfields, climb atop a big round bale of hay and daydream my own tales in the orange glow of the Iowa sun.”

Bollman attended the University of Iowa and received a BFA in Fine Arts. He studied abstract painting, sculpture and worked on some pioneering digital imaging projects using the new media of the 1990’s.

“I created my imaginary world, not in a hayfield but in my studio. My dreams took shape with bright liquid colors, cartoon creatures and never ending stories.”
Today Bollman teaches students at a school not far from the hayfields where he once daydreamed. At North Mahasha Community Schools he teaches K-12, painting, drawing and graphic design.

“My hope is to keep these kids dreaming, to expand their minds and teach them that imagination is the greatest adventure of all.”

Tuesday's Yearbook Info

Good job yesterday in class. We got a lot accomplished.

Dance: Tiffany P, a friend of Jesse's that helped with our dances last year, has agreed to come dj with us as long as we provide some hip hop and dance songs. She has all the fun stuff (like the chicken dance, barbie girl and such) and the slow songs but she doesn't listen to hip hop.

A reminder that all dance music has to be radio versions.

ASN: Log in and add a comment to this blog post stating if you will be here for the dance and if you have hip hop music that we can use. It can be on an Ipod/mp3 player or on a lap top.

Due by the end of class today.