Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday- What's Up Yearbook

1- We WILL have a semester test for yearbook. We will work on relevant material that will be included in the yearbook.

2- End of the semester projects

  • Advertisement due at the end of class today. Email your finished work (as a jpg) to the following address
  • Your Academic Page must be MOCKED UP (your layout set up on the page as you designed it two weeks ago on paper) by Friday
  • Your academic write-up must be done and added to the page
  • Your addition yearbook assignments need to be complete as well. I will post progress on those in a minute


Bollman said...

Sue- Cover Finished

Tierney- State dance story

Kody- Story of Rivals Done

Alex- Superstitions Done *switched with Kenzie

Aaron- All photos managed and good ones uploaded to appropriate folders

Jesse- Callie V.G. Student of the Month

Steven- Holiday Plans

Abby- Halloween

Mallory- Cut-out of Kody done, additional photo work done. (see me)

Kenzie- Paintball *switched with Alex

Jordan- coon hunting

KodzanderL said...

Semester Test? Serious?

Bollman said...

There is always a semester test in Yearbook.

Bollman said...

Let me know via comment if you would like a project that you can do outside of Semester Test time. I know Alex Malone and Kody Lake do.