Friday, October 2, 2009

Photographers: Photos Needed

ASN 1: We need shots of the following guys in their football jerseys.

Outside before the game would be best. This should look like the sort of photo you'd put as your profile pic on facebook but in their football stuff since it is being placed beside a questionnaire about the football season it should be football-ish.

Kody Lake
Jake Silk
Steven Crosby
John Sims

ASN 2: We need one nice shot (portrait style) of Kaitlyn D. for student of the month.

ASN 3: Football photos tonight- Try to get shots of wide receivers and defense. No more shots of Joe Agan running the football. We have about one hundred good shots of him.

discuss who can do this and have the camera ready.

ASN 4: Volleyball photos from the past weeks- make sure you label them with which game they are from and upload them (with Aaron's assistance). We have had some GREAT shots lately. I need to talk to Mallory about what game and they were from.

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