Monday, October 26, 2009

How to be a Maestro

A Maestro is a person in charge of designing, laying out, and choosing the content of a spread in a magazine or in our case, a yearbook.

A Maestro does NOT take all the photos or write every article. They DO choose what gets covered and what photos go where.

Step 1: Review the Spread that you have been Assigned.
Choose what will be covered. Look at a calendar if you are working with a month or an event and make sure you capture all the IMPORTANT EVENTS

Step 2: block out where these stories will go on the page. Place the dominate story at the top with small content modules filling in the remaining spaces.

Step 3: Check with the Editor and the Adviser and then Assign these jobs to the staff.

Step 4: COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE. Working together to get info complete, photos taken, stories written and all the pieces in place, first on Google Docs, then on Yearbook Avenue.

Step 5: When its all in place, look it over for mistakes and work with the Editor and Adviser to get the product complete.

Now we will look at Yearbook Avenue for some Layout terms that will help us begin to understand how to block out good page designs.

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