Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Job 1- Get your worksheet for yesterday (Good Questions) back from Mr. Bollman. Review my suggestions that are on the back. Ask me if you have any questions.

Job 2- The following people will meet in groups to plan and start a big week of jobs.
If you sign up for job, please be there and get photos taken or contact Sue or I to get someone else there.

Photographers: Look at the calendar at the bottom of the blog. Divide up the upcoming major events. Decide who will shoot which. I will take State Marching Band and Fall Concert.
We also need a good picture of Kaitlin D. for student of the month.

Jesse- Powder Puff Game. One paragraph. p 11
Steven- Marching Band Captions. Abby has the notes.
Abby- p6 One paragraph about the start of school. Use descriptive words. Sights, sounds, feelings? Get real personal. What would you want to remember in ten years about what its like going back to school. Through in quote from someone for fun.

Sport Reporters:
Divide up the following:
p.13 Waco Homecoming Game. 2-3 paragraphs. Can also include that Dance and Marching Band performed at halftime.

p.9 Volleyball photo block captions.

Leadership Team:
Sue- See me about a special job. (re: News Feed on p 14 and Elementary Book Cover)
Tierney- Today you will work on a Widgit to place on the website. I will show you how and then cut you loose.

The following people will have a special meeting at 2:45.
Sue, Kenzie, Tierney, Abby, Mallory
Meet and go over the businesses that still need to be hit. Come up with a plan of action to get these businesses all hit (either in person or on the phone) before the end of ad sales.
Report back to me on what you decide.

1 comment:

Bollman said...

Dear Sue, it is time for you to select your cover for your elementary book. To find the covers to choose from, take the following steps on your Yearbook Avenue website:

1) Under the “Plan” menu, select “Creative Ideas”
2) Look for “Jostens Studio Covers”, then select “2010 Memory Express Covers”
3) All of the covers under that category are available to you
4) Let me know which cover you want and what you want for your book title.

