Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Jobs

Tierney- Check the Ad statements and checks

Kenzie- Finish Howe story

Jesse- Finish KR story

Aaron- Strobel story

Jordan- Shoot random shots of friends/ classrooms

Run non-buyer list, make a note to give to the students

Print Finished layouts, add to case

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Kenzie- Mr. Howe story and photo

Jesse- Cut-out of Mr. Howe

Sports Guys- Monte game story and some basketball captioning

Sue- Yearbook Week Plan Approved

Mallory and Tierney- Fashion

Aaron- Final Ads (done this week)

March Madness

Great work finishing up your academic pages.
I have a few of you who still have stories to finish and some photos to get done. Let's have those done ASAP as our attention turns to other things.

We will again use this blog regularly as we get back into the swing of weekly assignments.