Thursday, January 28, 2010


Things we need to do:

Aaron- go shoot a football helmet and upload it to the football folder. This is very important

Jesse and Steven- We need to get all the yearbook staff cut-out and uploaded.

Sue and Kody- write up blurbs about dress-up days on Google Docs

Alex- still one more score to stick on the Nov page... the one with the Blood Drive on it.

Abby- Winter weather/ ice storm. Mention that some kids were without power for five days.

Mallory and Kenzie- Love it up

Jordan- please upload those good photos to Yearbook Avenue. I especially want to use the one of Brock with his head down.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday Assignments

Sue: Get out your list for the preschool students and see me at my desk.

Tierney: Make copies of the elementary order form and take them down to the elementary

Abby: Story Topic... missin' tons of school

Jesse: fifty million cut-outs

Kody: work on WSW spread

Alex: Girls still undefeated story

Love girls: get stuff on the page

Steven: See me for an important job.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Photo Tip 1

Tip 1: Check out your background. So often we shoot pictures of people and we are totally oblivious to what is behind them. Yes, some of that can be fixed in post production with Photoshop but why do that when just a simple, quick look at what is there (and not just at your subject) can solve a bunch of problems. Maybe just moving two feet in one way or another will save you 30 minutes later taking a branch out of someone’s head.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday Assignment

Get with a partner. Write a caption for each of the photos below from the Montezuma game. Do more than just describe what is going on... try to paint a picture of the girls season.

Suggestions will be below each photo.

Senior Acacia La Rue pops a jumper from ten feet away. Acacia leads the team in....

Senior Kenzie Lenz mans up on Bravette point guard Something McSomethingson.

Sophomore Kate Ray looks to put up another three point attempt. Kate has rained down the threes during the Warhawks December hot streak.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Busy Monday

Monte Game photos
We have a write up on the Monte game from last month but at the moment we don't have the images uploaded. We need to find the photos from that game and IF no one took any we will need to contact Stacia and see if she can share the love.

We are going to work on the following duties as Assigned:

Sue: Shop/ Ag--- content module? what sort of info will you gather?

Aaron: Upload photos. we have some ag photos from Friday that we need to get uploaded and shared with Mr. Bever.

Tierney: State Dance Question

Jordan: Manage/ upload photos. If time, shoot elementary recess

Kody: Tanner Wanders story, big time wrestler

Alex Malone: Start a Google Doc with both boys/girls scores

Jesse: Cut outs

Mallory: Love spread

Kenz: Love spread

Steven: Content Module for Spanish... think of one. make sheet to ask question
ideas? ask for Spanish names? or their favorite game or song from Spanish class?

Abby: Camera time

TOMORROW- Everyone will work on INDEXING!!! :-)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Work day-

Today in Yearbook we need to work on layouts, manage photos, upload them to the website and place what we can on the website.

Busy bees making honey!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year's Assignment


Everyone will collect a New Years Resolution from one student from each grade (7-12).

Steven C will hand out a worksheet for this project.

DUE: Tomorrow!!!!

Sue: Make sure the elementary questions are shared on Google Docs.

Volunteers to take photos today?

Monday, January 11, 2010

--- Deadlines

Mid Term Assignments
-Final Advertisements
-January and February Articles

3rd Quarter Assignment
Academic Pages Done

Mid Term 4th Quarter
-Photo page Content Modules
-March/ Jazz Band/ Prom Articles Done
-Senior Photos

Final Grades
Final Articles/ Senior Trip/ Spring Sports

May Term
Graduation/ May

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Academic Page Ideas

So you have been assigned to an academic page for the yearbook... But you have no idea what to put on it. Well here is a great guide to help you get started.

Academic Pages
Art, English, History, Spanish, Math, Industrial Tech, PE... etc

Photos of all the teachers or copy quoting all the teachers
Action shots of the classroom
Look for projects or activities
Not just students in their seats and teacher at the board
Content module of an event or asking question concerning the content
  • Experiment- list steps and ask questions what they learned
  • Field Trip- Favorite thing they saw
  • What was their favorite thing they made/learned in class

A Content Module (a chart or graph) that says the courses that were offered that year
A list of things you study in that field
A list of possible job opportunities in that area of study

Quotes from FAMOUS people from that field
Ex- Einstein for math
Maya Angelou for English
Picasso for Art

Games or fill-ins related to that subject
Ex- A matching section for famous writers and their novels
A Magic Square for math (done last year)

A giant shot of an object that relates to the subject
ex- a calculator for math
a saw for shop
a paint brush for art

A story about past students that are now working in that field
A story a retired former teacher or a veteran teaching planning to retire (they will make these decisions in the next few months)
A student that truly excels in the subject. You may have to ask the teachers for someone to focus on.
ex- Kylie R. is amazing at art
The Ferguson's love raising livestock
I'm sure someone loves math....

Remember to capture facts and feelings that you and your fellow students will fondly look back on in the future. If something major happened at a jazz band contest and everyone talked about it the next week at school, that should make its way into the yearbook. If a student-athlete or performer gets a big honor then that should also make your layout. Also, don't forget to look at the events of the year from different angles. You can interview the star of the team, the president of FFA with the trophy from the fair, and the soloist from band... but you also can interview the fans that followed the ball team, the voc-ag freshman who dream of success at the state fair, and the cowbell player who waits all night for "Rock and Roll All Night".

Look for ways to reach everyone. This is a journal of the YEAR... everyone who had a part, whether large or small, in making it different and amazing.

Photo Guide

Neil Turner at DP Review recommends finding different heights to shoot from - 'The best photographs are made when the photographer chooses a vantage point to suit the subject, and it is surprising how few subjects are suited by the height of a human standing at their full five to six feet'.

So take a second and think about your photographs. Look at the pictures you have taken so far this year. From what angle were they taken? Are they all from a full standing position? Change the paradigm. Take pictures sitting down, lying on the floor, standing on chairs, even on a ladder.

But be careful. For the first few days after you do this, you may come back with pictures taken from the oddest angles imaginable. The key is not to do it all at once but to just think about how a picture might look if taken from another angle.

Remember, take LOTS of shots of an event. Digital photography is FREE... If you don't like an image you simply delete it later. So why take one shot of a play, meeting or event when there is a good chance that it might not be what you want later on your layout. Instead, take a few 'safe shots'. Then think of new views from which you can capture the moment.

Happy shooting!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back

I hope everyone had a great holiday.

We will get together and assess where we are and where we need to go as a team.

We will set some goals and look at the work we need to do the next few weeks.

Its YEARBOOK time!